Detailed presentation of the 3 parts of the book and numerous recipes in each category
Solutions to fight diabetes
What are the natural solutions to balance diabetes ?
Today, we are beginning to admit that type 2 diabetes is more the result of dietary and lifestyle choices than the consequence of a lack of insulin.
The right foods to balance blood sugar levels are essential, as well as regular physical exercise.
Part 2: 154 tasty and easy-to-prepare recipes to control your blood sugar
Examples of dishes :
You will learn to prepare :
- Soups,
- Salads,
- Vegetarian dishes,
- Fish and seafood dishes,
- White Meat Dishes,
- Red Meat Dishes,
- Desserts

But it is not finished ...
In addition to the preparations you will have for each recipe, a table with nutritional indications :
- Diabetic exchanges
- Canada's Food Guide Servings
- Claims
- Nutritional values
Part 3 : You will be able to create menus for each week

“Un diabétique a aussi le droit de se faire plaisir en dégustant de bons repas, chez lui, toute l’année.”
Extrait du livre

"A diabetic also has the right to enjoy good food, at home, all year round."
From the book
Si le livre ''154 Recettes Méditerranéennes Et Exotiques pour Diabétiques" ne correspond pas à vos attentes, je vous rembourse la somme de 12€ par simple demande par mail.
To stay healthy and stop worrying about high blood sugar levels after meals
A diabetic also has the right to enjoy good meals at home, all year round.
Thanks to the "154 Mediterranean and exotic recipes for diabetics", you will be able to create varied and balanced menus every week without ever saying to yourself, " What am I going to do for lunch tomorrow?
And above all, without ever having to worry about having high blood sugar levels after each meal.
Make the right choice for your health. Buy the book "154 Mediterranean and exotic recipes for diabetics" (365 pages) now before the price goes up.
Treat yourself for only $23.
Satisfaction or Money Back Guarantee
If the book ''154 Mediterranean and Exotic Recipes for Diabetics'' does not meet your expectations, I will refund the sum of $23 by simple request by mail.
Legal disclaimers and warnings: The 154 Mediterranean and Exotic Recipes for Diabetics are tasty, economical, quick and easy to make, and will help you regulate your blood sugar and maintain your health as a diabetic. But they do not exclude the need to consult your diabetologist and dietician to establish a diet plan based on them. This is especially important because the diet plan should always be specific to you: it should always vary according to your medical history, weight, gender, height, bone density, etc. Therefore, since the author, his assigns, partners, distributors and affiliates have no idea how exactly you will use these 154 Mediterranean And Exotic Recipes For Diabetics, they are not responsible for them.
If you have any questions about the book before purchasing it, please contact me at the following email: cyguillot@neuf.fr